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Sundays - 10:00 am Facebook
Sundays - 12pm Local TV
                channel 98
Sundays - 12pm YouTube         

Link to St. Peter's -



As believers here at St. Mark's, we strive "to be united and grounded by the love of Christ." Therefore, pandemic or not, we will find ways to be united in worship, believing that Christ's love will carry us through this.


In this sure and certain hope, we offer new ways to worship together. So long as our service point is working, we will continue televised services at noon on local channel 98. We will stream the service at 9am Sundays on our St. Mark's Facebook page. The service will also be broadcast on YouTube no later than noon the same day. Links are located above.


Also, at this time we have many people who are asking about and offering suggestion for alternate ways of giving. Go to our giving page for links and instructions. Also be sure to check our newsletter this month for information on this and other topics.


During this time, staff will normally be working at home like many of you. If you have questions about these or any church related matters, contact  Pastor Karen at (402) 385-8825. Stay healthy and God bless you.



Welcome, and thank you for visiting Saint Mark's Lutheran Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to meet you and share with you God's love for us and for you, our neighbor.

Our Mission


Saint Mark's is a community called to make disciples of Christ through worship, giving, praying, learning, encouraging, and inviting. There is a place here for everyone who is looking for a community to call home. We rely fully on God to provide guidance for our lives and the Holy Spirit to lead us where God can use our gifts and talents to spread the message of love and hope in the world. We continue to grow in faith and trust, knowing the grace and mercy we have been given!

Worship Times - 


Saturday Evening worship are at St. Peter's


Sunday services 10:00 am at St. Mark's


Holy Communion is celebrated every service


Any additional worship times or changes to worship will be announced here and on our Facebook page.


St. Mark's Facebook Page

Latest News

The Pender Ministerial Association is in need of your help! Our food pantry is open twice a month and we need individuals willing to help out during these times. Food distributions are the first Thursday and the third Saturday of every month.  If you are able to volunteer, please contact the church office for more information!

We need your help! There are many opportunities here at St. Mark's for you to be involved and active in our community. From Sunday School to Church Council there is always something to do. If you want to volunteer and get involved, contact the church office!

Calendar image.png

Upcoming @ Saint Mark's

October 1 - 
10:00 - Clergy text study

October 2 - 
Bible study
2:30 pm - Confirmation

October 3 - 
5:00 pm - Food pantry

October 6- 
9:00 am - Sunday School
10:00 am - Worship @ St. Mark's
12:00 pm - Channel 98

October 7 - 
Pastor's Day off

October 8- 
10:00 am - Clergy text study

October 9 - 
2:30 pm - Confirmation

October 10 - 

10:30 am - Prairie Breeze Service

October 13- 
9:00 am - Sunday School
10:00 am Worship @ St. Mark's/Blessing of the quilts (Choir)
12:00 pm Channel 98

October 14 -
Pastor's vacation 

October 15 - 
10:00 am Clergy text study
Pastor's vacation 

October 16 - 

Pastor's vacation

October 17 - 
Pastor's vacation 

October 18 - 

Pastor's vacation 

October 19 - 
11:00 am - food pantry
Pastor's vacation

October 20 -  

9:00 am - Sunday School
10:00 am Worship @ St. Mark's
12:00 pm Channel 98

Pastor's vacation 

October 21- 
Pastor @ Leadership conference


October 22 - 
Pastor @ Leadership conference

October 23 -
Pastor @ Leadership Conference

October 27-
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 am - Reformation Sunday
Worship @ St. Peter's 
12:00 pm Channel 98
4:00 pm Trunk or Treat @ St. Mark's
Parking Lot

October 28 - 
Reformation Day
Pastor's Day off

October 29 - 
10:00 am - Clergy text study

October 30 - 
2:30 pm Confirmation

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