Saint Mark's offers a wide range of activities to meet the needs of an ever changing world. We hope that you can find what you need here and will continue working to provide fulfilling and engaging activities and events!

Worship is the central focus of our life in Christ here at Saint Mark's. We gather to confess our sins, receive the fogiveness of God, and experience Christ first hand through the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
We gather for worship on Saturday nights at 5:30 PM and Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. Holy Communion is celebrated at all services and during other church holidays.
Our Sunday worship is rebroadcast on local cable television.

Christian Education
From Sunday School to Adult Bible Studies, Saint Mark's has something to help any one of any age grow in faith!
We offer a wide range of educational opportunities and want to help people learn more about God and Christ in a multitude of ways.
Find out more about what we have to offer you below!

Service Groups
Service to our neighbors is a driving force of this congregation! There are many things and many ways to serve those around us and we are always excited to get as many people involved as we can!
Our Service Groups are one way to get involved at Saint Mark's. Find out more about what we do and see if there is something that you would like to get involved with!